The European Accessibility Act

From 2025, all e-books in the European Union will need to meet new accessibility requirements under the European Accessibility Act (EAA). Our goal is to provide publishers with clear and understandable information on how to implement these changes and to introduce Simon, a tool that simplifies the entire process.

About EAA

What is the European Accessibility Act?

The European Accessibility Act is a legal directive that sets obligations for digital service providers to ensure their services are accessible to people with disabilities.

Who will be affected and how?

Publishers, authors, and other digital publication providers will need to ensure their e-books are accessible to all users.

Key Dates and Deadline

By June 28, 2025, all new e-books must comply with EAA requirements. Be prepared in advance!

EPUB and Accessibility

Why is e-book accessibility important?

Accessible e-books enable reading and navigation for individuals with visual, auditory, or other disabilities.

Basic EPUB Accessibility Requirements under the EAA:

  • Document Structure: Using proper tags and styles for titles, headings, paragraphs, etc.
  • Alternative Texts for Images: Providing descriptive texts for all visual elements.
  • Interactive Elements: Ensuring all links, forms, and other interactive elements are easily usable.
  • Navigation and Table of Contents: Ensuring the content is easily accessible and navigation is intuitive.

How to Prepare?

Steps to Ensure Compliance with EAA:

  • Audit of Existing E-books: Review which books already meet the requirements and which need modifications.
  • Use of Appropriate Tools and Technologies: Utilize tools like Simon to automate and simplify the process.